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Oil Applied Areas
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1 .Weight
2. Straight Part
3. Ruler
4. Measure this length.
Drive Chain 20-link length
Standard: 317.5 -318.2 mm
Service limit: 323 mm
Drive Chain Removal
.Remove the following.
Lower Fairings (see Frame chapter)
Chain Cover
Engine Sprocket Cover (see this chapter)
Rear Shock Absorber Mounting Nut (lower)
Tie-Rod Nuts (upper)
Swing Arm Shaft Nut
Rear Caliper (see Brakes chapter)
.Loosen the drive chain.
.Remove the side stand.
*If any measurement exceeds the service limit. replace the
chain. Also, replace the engine and rear sprockets when
the drive chain is replaced.
A. Side Stand Bracket Bolts
.Place the jack under the frame to steady the motorcycle.
.Disengage the chain from the rear sprocket and the
engine sprocket.
.Remove the swing arm shaft and pull it backward.
.Remove the chain.
.If a special lubricant is not available, a heavy oil such as
SEA 90 is preferred to a lighter oil because it will stay
on the chain longer and provide better lubrication.