
Glossary of Technical Terms
Glossary of Technical Terms
DVB is the abbreviation for digital video broadcasting. DVB-T refers to
the type of transmission (T = terrestrial). MPEG is the abbreviation for
Moving Picture Experts Group, a working group which draws up
internationally valid standards for the digital compression of video
together with audio. MPEG-2 has been promoted to the standard for
the compression of digital TV signals. MPEG-2 operates at a data rate
of up to 100 MBit/s.
Eb/No ratio
The Eb/No ratio is a measure for the signal-to-noise ratio of the digital
signal. This value is not identical to the C/N value as known from
analogue reception technology. As a rule, reception is no longer
possible at Eb/No levels below 5 dB.
FEC is the abbreviation for Forward Error Correction. The FEC error
rate corresponds to the viterbirate.
The PID number (Package IDentification) is an identification number
for video signals and audio signals in the digital data stream of DVB
MPEG-2 signals. The receiver uses the PID number to establish
distinct allocation of the video and audio data transmission. PID-PCR
is the identification number for the synchronisation signal. PID-PCR is
the identification number for the synchronisation signal. PID-PCR is
normally identical to PID video. In the case of multi-language channel
transmissions, by means of manual entry of the audio PID, it is
possible to allocate another language to the TV broadcast. After
entering the PID, the digital receiver automatically selects audio data
from the data stream identified by the PID number and allocates these
data to the video signal.
Channel package
The channel package of a digital transponder
mostly contains several
TV and radio channels. Each channel package has a fixed allocation
with regard to the transponder
transmit frequency, the polarization
(horizontal or vertical), the symbol rate and the viterbirate or error rate.
Symbol rate
The symbol rate describes the amount of data transmitted per second.
The symbol rate is measured in MSymbols/s and is equal to the
number of symbols that are received per second.
Video bit rate
The video bit rate describes the quantity of data of the digitised video
signal that is transmitted per second.
Viterbi rate
The viterbi rate (code rate, error rate) characterizes the type of error
protection used by the channel provider. The DVB standard stipulates
the following values: 1/2 - 2/3 - 3/4 - 5/6 - 7/8.