Chapter 3 — Configuring Label Transmit Settings
SR60 Scanner Programmer’s Reference Manual 49
Setting Global Prefix(es)
You may add one or two prefix characters to the standard label
format. To add more than two prefix characters, contact Intermec
Product Support for Full Label Edit (FLE) options.
To set global prefixes
1 Identify your specific system requirements.
2 Using the ASCII chart on page 158, identify the ASCII
character(s) and the corresponding hex code(s) for the prefix.
For example, suppose you want to send the two prefix
characters STX (start transmit) and SP (Space). The ASCII
chart shows that STX equals 02 hex and SP equals 20 hex.
3 Scan the SET bar code on page 50.
4 Scan the Set Prefix bar code.
5 Using the list of bar codes that starts on page 154, scan the
four digits corresponding to the hex values you chose in
Step 2.
For this example, you would scan 0, 2, 2, and 0.
6 Scan the END bar code.
Note: In the Global Prefix and the Global Suffix columns, 00
indicates no character.
Note: Successful programming requires four digits for the
label ID.
Note: If you make a mistake or lose your place while setting
this option, scan the END bar code to exit Programming
mode. The scanner sounds a two-beep error tone to indicate
that programming was incomplete, and the setting remains as
it was before entering Programming mode.