Chapter 4 — Enabling and Configuring Symbologies
SR60 Scanner Programmer’s Reference Manual 129
To set the MSI/Plessey symbology to fixed length format
1 Identify the fixed length setting(s) you wish to make. Fixed
lengths can be set from 04 to 16 characters.
2 Scan the SET bar code on page 129.
3 Scan the Enable Fixed Length Format bar code.
4 Scan the Set First Fixed Length bar code.
5 Using the Digits bar codes on page 130, scan the digits to set
the first fixed label length you identified in Step 1.
• If you need to set a second fixed length, continue with
Step 6.
• If you do not need a second fixed length, scan the No
Second Fixed Length bar code and skip to Step 8.
6 Scan the Set Second Fixed Length bar code.
7 Using the Digits bar codes on page 130, scan the digits to set
the second fixed label length you identified in Step 1.
8 Scan the END bar code on page 130.
Note: To set a label length less than ten, you must scan a zero
digit first and then the length digit (such as 04, 06, or 08).
Note: To set a label length less than ten, you must scan a zero
digit first and then the length digit (such as 04, 06, or 08).
Fixed Length
SET ------------------------------------------
Enable FIxed Length
Format ---------