6110 Series Hand-Held Computer User’s Guide Glossary-3
contiguous on a channel. Each of the remote ports on a
controller may contain up to three channels apiece.
Press the primary mouse button to select an object on the
screen with the pointer. Unless reversed for left-handed
operation, the left mouse button is the primary button and
the right mouse button is the secondary button. (See also:
Right Click)
CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor)
1. Usually refers to the system configuration and real-time
clock information, which is often stored in CMOS memory.
2. The construction method for a type of low-power
computer chip.
The communication control element of the NORAND
data network. Controls the timing and flow of data
messages between the host computer and the radio
Central Processing Unit.
CRC (Customer Response Center)
The Norand Mobile Systems Division of Intermec
Technologies Corporation CRC (technical support),
telephone # 1-800-755-7705.
Email: crc@norand.com If you want to Email a problem
or question to the CRC be sure to include the following
information in your message:
Your name
The company name
The company address
Phone # and Email address where you or the customer can
be contacted
Problem description / Question (be specific)