Utilities Program
B-12 6110 Hand-Held Computer User’s Guide
Session Status
The first single character code (“T”) is the session status,
which applies to all COMM SETTINGS. There are five sta-
tuses possible:
" “G” Good session
" “T” Unexpected end of transmission
" “H” Incorrect file header encountered
" “F” File error encountered
" “L” Telecommunications aborted before first file
header received
The three digit number (“289”) indicates the specific proto-
col error. These error codes apply when COMM SETTINGS
is set to NPCP RS-485 or NPCP RS-232:
“0” No error
“1” MININET.EXE not installed
“6” User aborted communications by pressing
“11” Invalid parameter specified in control file
NOTE: The following values indicate an error returned by MININET.EXE.
100 is added to the error returned by MININET.EXE to avoid conflict
with other defined errors.
“101” Illegal buffer length
“103” Invalid command
“105” Command timed out
“106” Message incomplete
“108” Illegal local session number
“109” No resource available
“110” Session closed
“111” Command canceled
“113” Duplicate name in local name table
“114” Name table is full
“115” Name is deregistered, command complete
“117” Local session table full
“118” Session open rejected