Environmental Requirements
30 mPGA604 Socket Design Guidelines
Table 5-1. Use Conditions Environment (Continued)
Use Environment
Speculative Stress
7 Year Life
10 Year Life
Fast, large gradient on/off to max
operating temp. (power cycle or
internally heated including power save
Power Cycle 7,500 cycles 11,000 cycles
Shipping and Handling. Mechanical Shock
50g trapezoidal
profile; 170”/sec
Velocity change; 11
msec duration pulse
3 drops / axis 6
Shipping and Handling. Random Vibration
3.13 gRMS, random,
5 Hz - 20 Hz .01
g2/Hz sloping up to
.02 g2/Hz 20 Hz -
500 Hz .02 g2/Hz
10 min / axis, 3
5.1 Porosity Test
5.1.1 Porosity Test Method
Use EIA 364, Test Procedure 53A, Nitric acid test. Porosity test to be performed for 20 contacts,
randomly selected per socket, five sockets.
5.1.2 Porosity Test Criteria
Maximum of two pores per set of 20 contacts, as measured per EIA 364, Test Procedure 60.
5.2 Plating Thickness
Measure various plating thickness on contact surface per EIA 364, Test Procedure 48, Method C or
Method A. Test to be performed using 20 randomly selected contacts per socket, five sockets. No
plating thickness measured shall be less than the minimum plating thickness specified in
Section 3.9.3.
5.3 Solvent Resistance
Requirement: No damage to ink markings if applicable. EIA 364-11A.
5.4 Solderability
(Applicable for leaded sockets) Requirement: 95% coverage per ball/surface mount feature. EIA
364, Test Procedure 52, Class 2, Category 3. Test to be performed on 20 randomly selected contacts
per socket, five sockets.