Mechanical Requirements
mPGA604 Socket Design Guidelines 17
3.16 Critical-to-Function Dimensions
The mPGA604 socket shall accept a 604-pin processor pin field. All dimensions are metric.
Asymmetric features are designed to properly align the socket to the motherboard and prevent the
socket from being assembled incorrectly to the motherboard.
Critical-to-function (CTF) dimensions are identified in Table 3-1. The CTF values are detailed on
the mPGA604 socket drawing in Figure A-5 and Figure A-6 and take precedence over all values
presented in this document. Dimensional requirements identified in the drawings and in Table 3-1
must be met. These dimensions will be verified as part of the validation process. Also, supplier will
provide and maintain Critical Process Parameters controlling these CTFs or will provide direct
measurements to meet ongoing quality requirements.
Table 3-1. Socket Critical-to-Function Dimensions
Socket Length
Socket Width
Socket Height (Interposer surface from MB)
Assembled Seating Plane Flatness
Ball Diameter
True Position of Balls (pattern relating)
Co-planarity (profile) of Balls
Actuation Distance (Cover Travel)
Through Cavity X
Through Cavity Y
Cover Hole Diameter (Must guarantee ZIF)
Cover Hole Countersink Depth (Must guarantee ZIF)
Cover Hole Countersink Diameter (Must guarantee ZIF)
Cover Hole Virtual Condition (Pattern Locating)
Cover Hole Virtual Condition (Feature Relating)
Cover Hole Field Depth wrt Seating Plane
Cover Thickness in Hole area
Au Thickness
Ni Thickness
Alignment Post Virtual Condition
Contact Depth from Seating Plane