
ssh -l username IP ’command’
4. If running the command using the command line interface works, it is an
environment issue. In your workflow source, check your .profile first.
5. If running the command using the command line interface fails, run the
command directly on the managed server.
6. If running the command on the managed server works, debug the SSH
configuration issue. For more information on SSH configurations, refer to the
Security section of the Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator information center. If you
need more information on how to address the SSH configuration issue, search
the Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator Knowledge Base. If information is found on
the knowledge base, follow the resolution using the knowledge entry. If no
information is found, contact Support. For more information, refer to
Appendix B, “Support information,” on page 225.
7. If running the command on the managed server fails, debug the command on
the managed server.
Accessing the knowledge bases
At any time during the problem determination process, when a resolution to your
problem cannot be found, check the knowledge bases for Tivoli Intelligent
Orchestrator and its prerequisites to determine whether the resolution to your
problem is already documented.
The following knowledge bases are available:
v For Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator:
v For DB2 Universal Database: http://www-306.ibm.com/software/data/db2/udb/
v For the IBM Tivoli Directory Server:
v For the WebSphere Application Server:
For more Support information, refer to Appendix B, “Support information,” on
page 225.
Using the available command line tools
This section describes a number of command line tools that are most frequently
used during the problem determination process of Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator
and its prerequisites. The following command line tools are described:
v “Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator command line tools”
v “WebSphere Application Server command line tools” on page 32
v “IBM Tivoli Directory Server command line tools” on page 33
Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator command line tools
The following table lists a number of command line tools that can be used during
the Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator problem determination process:
26 Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide