3. If the IBM Tivoli Directory Server is started, check the SystemOut.log file for
the following types of exceptions. For more information on the SystemOut.log
file, refer to “Problem determination using SystemOut.log” on page 14:
a. If authentication exceptions are found in the log file, go to “IBM Tivoli
Directory Server authentication problem determination” on page 22.
b. If XA connection exceptions are found, go to “DB2 Universal Database error
problem determination” on page 21.
c. If other exceptions are found, go to “WebSphere Application Server error
problem determination” on page 23.
Intelligent Orchestrator login: The following steps are required for
troubleshooting the Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator login:
1. If the login screen cannot be loaded, verify whether you can ping the Tivoli
Intelligent Orchestrator server.
v If you can ping the server successfully, go to “WebSphere Application Server
verification” on page 13.
v If you cannot ping the server, resolve the required network issues.
2. If the login screen is loaded successfully, use the appropriate credentials to log
in to the Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator server.
v If the login fails, check the Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator Knowledge Base
for firewall issues. If firewall issues are found, follow the resolution using the
knowledge entry.
v If no firewall issues are found, go to “IBM Tivoli Directory Server
authentication problem determination” on page 22.
the Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator user interface: The following steps
are required for troubleshooting the Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator user interface
1. If a COPXXXX error is encountered, go to “User interface errors.”
2. If you encounter a navigation problem, go to “IBM Tivoli Directory Server
authentication problem determination” on page 22.
3. If the error you have encountered cannot be included in any of the above
categories, search the error on the Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator Knowledge
Base. If the error is documented on the knowledge base, follow the resolution
using the knowledge entry.
4. If the error cannot be found on the knowledge base, contact Support. For more
information, refer to Appendix B, “Support information,” on page 225.
interface errors: The following steps are required for troubleshooting the
Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator user interface errors:
1. If a user interface error is encountered, search for the error in the
%TIO_LOGS%\j2ee\console.log file using either the user interface error number
or the error time stamp.
For example, if the following error message is received in the Tivoli Intelligent
Orchestrator user interface:
COPCOM093E The JDBC driver caused an SQL exception.
COPJEE272E (ProblemID: UI640236)
You would then search the j2ee/console.log file for the Problem ID: UI640236.
In this case, you would find the corresponding error stack trace:
2005-05-02 10:24:11,108 ERROR [Servlet.Engine.Transports : 2]
(Location.java:454) webui.Location: UI
Exception [640236], user=null
24 Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide