You can export to specific groups of clients by using the /etc/netgroup file. This file
contains an alias for a group of clients to whom file systems will be exported. No
other systems outside of the netgroup will be able to access the file systems. For
more information about the /etc/netgroup file, see “/etc/netgroup File” on page 96.
Users can call this command by using the following alternative command name:
For more information on how to edit the /etc/exports file, see “Editing stream files
by using the Edit File (EDTF) command” on page 93.
The following restrictions apply when changing export entries:
1. The user must have *IOSYSCFG special authority to use this command.
2. The user must have read (*R) and write (*W) data authority to the /etc
For more information about the CHGNFSEXP and EXPORTFS commands and the
associated parameters, see
CL Reference,
When you use the CHGNFSEXP or EXPORTFS commands, you can specify many
parameters and options:
v The export options list contains some flags followed optionally by a list containing
a character string of characteristics for the directory tree being exported. Each
flag consists of a minus ’-’ followed by a character. The options you list here will
appear in the OPTIONS parameter on the CHGNFSEXP command. The flags are
separated by spaces. Only certain combinations of flags are allowed. If a
combination that is not valid is detected, an error will be returned.
Change NFS Export (CHGNFSEXP)
Type choices, press Enter.
NFS export options.......>'-I -O RO,ANON=199,ACCESS=Prof:'
Directory ...........>'/engdata/mech'
Additional Parameters
Host options:
Host name .......... TULAB1 Character value, *DFT
Data file code page ..... 850 1-32767, *BINARY, *ASCII...
Path name code page ..... 850 1-32767, *ASCII, *JOBCCSID
Force synchronous write . . . *SYNC *SYNC, *ASYNC
+ for more values
F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F12=Cancel F13=How to use this display
F24=More keys
Figure 24. Using the Change NFS Export (CHGNFSEXP) display
Chapter 4. Server Exporting of File Systems 31