This command creates a case sensitive user-defined file system (UDFS) named
kate.udfs in the user Auxiliary Storage Pool (ASP), qasp02.
Display a User-Defined File System
The Display User-Defined File System (DSPUDFS) command presents the
attributes of an existing UDFS, whether mounted or unmounted.
When you use the DSPUDFS command, you only have to specify one parameter:
v The UDFS parameter determines the name of the UDFS to display. This entry
must be (or resolve to a pathname) of the form /DEV/QASP02/name.udfs, where
the XX is one of the valid user Auxiliary Storage Pool (ASP) numbers on the
system, and name is the name of the UDFS. All other parts of the path name
must appear as in the example above.
When you use the DSPUDFS command successfully, a screen will appear with
information about your UDFS on it:
Display User-Defined FS (DSPUDFS)
Type choices, press Enter.
User-defined file system.... /DEV/QASP02/kate.udfs
Output............. * *, *PRINT
F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F12=Cancel F13=How to use this display
F24=More keys
Figure 12. Display User-Defined FS (DSPUDFS) output (1/2)
Chapter 3. NFS and the User-Defined File System (UDFS) 17