246 Programs
To record a voice note
You can create a stand-alone recording (voice note) or you can add a recording to
a note.
1. Tap Start > Programs > Notes.
2. If you do not see the Recording toolbar, tap Menu > View Recording
3. Do one of the following:
• To add a recording to a note, create or open a note.
• To create a stand-alone recording, record from the note list.
4. Tap the Record icon (
) to begin recording your voice. Tap the Stop icon (
) when you are finished recording.
To select the voice recording format, return to the note list and then tap Menu >
Options > Global Input Options link (at the bottom of the Options screen). On the
Input screen, tap the Options tab and choose the desired format from the Voice
recording format list.
12.10 JBlend
MIDlets are Java applications such as games and tools that can run on mobile
devices, while a MIDlet suite is a collection of one or more MIDlets. The JBlend
program lets you download, install and manage MIDlets or MIDlet suites on your
device. Your device supports Java 2 Micro Edition, J2ME.
To open the Java program
Tap Start > Programs > JBlend.
Install and launch MIDlets or MIDlet suites
There are two ways to install a MIDlet or MIDlet suite: