222 Experiencing Multimedia
To create a custom equalizer preset
1. Adjust the frequency bands to your desired values by dragging the equalizer
controls. The selected values are indicated on top of the sliders.
2. Save your equalizer settings as a preset by tapping Menu > Save as Preset.
3. Enter a preset name and then tap Done. The preset you created will be added
to the list box.
To delete a custom equalizer preset
1. Tap the list box then select the Equalizer preset you want to delete.
2. Tap Menu > Delete Preset.
Note You can only delete custom equalizer presets. Equalizer presets that are pre-installed
cannot be deleted.
11.6 Using MP3 Trimmer
Use MP3 Trimmer to trim MP3 files. You can choose to save it as a new file or set it
as a ring tone.
Start and End Points
Set the part of the music that
will be used as the ring tone.
Drag the left handle to set the
start time, then drag the right
handle to set the end time.
Start Point / End Point
To set the start and end
points more precisely, you
can also tap these controls
to step backward/forward
one step.
Playback time