
1. On the DMs tab, tap .
2. Enter the name of a Twitter user in the To field.
3. Enter your message, and then tap Post.
You can also send a direct message when you press and hold a tweet of the person
you want to send the direct message to, and then tap Send direct message on the
options menu.
Replying to or retweeting a tweet
1. On the All tweets tab, tap the tweet you want to reply to or retweet.
2. Tap Reply or Retweet.
3. Enter your reply or add a personal note to the tweet.
4. Tap Post.
Chatting in Google Talk
Google Talk is Google’s instant messaging program. It lets you communicate with
other people that also use Google Talk.
To open Google Talk, on the Home screen tap
> Talk.
To learn what you can do and get help in Google Talk, tap
> Help.
Using Google+
With Google+, you can check your friends' updates, post updates of your own, and
chat with friends in your Google+ circles.
To open Google+, on the Home screen, tap > Google+
To learn what you can do and get help in Google+, tap
> Help.
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