Rich and seamless browsing experience
Enjoy HTML5 and Flash
content on the go. And no more panning left and right. The
web browser's text reflow automatically adjusts text to the width of your screen. To
find out more about using the web browser, see Browsing the Web on page 55.
You can also keep a copy of what you're browsing so you can read it later even
without an Internet connection. See Saving web content for later on page 58.
Smart dial
The phone dialer’s Smart dial feature makes it quick and easy for you to place a call.
Just enter the phone number or first few letters of the contact name. See Making a
call with Smart dial on page 40.
Home screen
Your Home screen is where you make HTC One S your own. You can add your
favorite applications, shortcuts, folders and widgets so they’re always just a tap away.
To find out how, see Personalizing on page 30.
Extended Home screen
As you start to do more things with HTC One S, you might find that one Home screen
is not enough. No problem.
Slide your finger horizontally to the left or right on the screen and you’ll discover more
space for adding icons, widgets, and more.
Press to return to the main Home screen.
13 Your first week with your new phone