7. Set the reminder time.
8. If the event occurs on a regular basis, tap the Repetition box and then choose
how often the event occurs.
9. Tap Save.
Inviting guests to your event (Google Calendar only)
After you invite guests to your event, an invitation email will be sent using your
Google Account.
If you want to invite guests to your event, you need to create and add the event in
your Google Calendar.
1. Open Calendar and create a new event. Tap the Calendar field and then select
your Google Account (or one of your other Google Calendars).
2. Add details about the event, such as date and time, location, and more.
3. In the Guests field, enter the email addresses of everyone you want to invite to
the event. Separate multiple addresses with commas (,). If the people to whom
you send invitations use Google Calendar, they’ll receive an invitation in
Calendar and by email.
4. Tap Save to add the event to your Google Calendar.
Changing Calendar views
When you open Calendar, it displays the Month view by default, with a list of your
events for today. Easily switch between different calendar views.
To change to another view, tap one of the tabs at the bottom of the screen.
Your events are color coded to indicate which account or type of calendar they
belong to. To find out what each color represents, tap the title area of Calendar.
Using month view
In month view, you will see markers on days that have events.
Do any of the following in month view:
§ Tap a day to view the events for that day.
§ Press and hold a day to open an options menu from which you can also choose
to create an event or switch to either day or agenda view.
§ Slide your finger up or down the screen to view earlier or later months.
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