Taking notes during meetings or discussions
The Notes app lets you capture thoughts, action plans, and meeting minutes better
than just writing them down.
While you have a note open, you can:
Create a new note Tap .
Record voice clips Tap to start and stop audio recording.
(You also need to stop recording first when you want to
create a new note page.)
Link the note to an
Tap , and then select the event to link to in Calendar.
Saving a note
Although the Notes app automatically saves your work when you tap , you can still
manually save your notes to make sure nothing is lost.
While you have your note open, tap > Save.
Reviewing a note
1. From the Home screen, tap > Notes.
2. Open a notebook, and then tap a note thumbnail.
3. While on the note, you can:
§ Slide your finger up or down the screen to scroll the page.
§ Tap a file attachment to open it in an appropriate app.
§ Tap to view or change the linked event in Calendar. Or if you haven't
linked the note yet, tap to select a calendar event.
49 Tablet pen and fun apps