Checking the details of a location
1. Press and hold a location on the map. A balloon opens over the location, with
the name of the location, a part of the address, and a thumbnail from Street
View (if available).
2. Tap the balloon to see more information. You can get directions to the location,
check for nearby places of interest, and more.
Searching for a location
In Google Maps, you can search for a location, such as an address or a type of
business or establishment (for example, museums).
1. In Maps, tap .
2. Enter the place you want to search for in the search box.
3. Tap the key on the keyboard to search for the location you entered or tap a
suggested search item. The search results are displayed as markers on the map.
4. Do any of the following:
§ Tap a marker . A balloon then opens, showing the location's name. If
that's what you're looking for, tap the balloon.
§ Tap Results list to show the search results as a list, and then tap the
Details about the selected location displays on the screen.
5. Tap the onscreen buttons to view the location on a map, get directions, view the
location in Street View (if available), and more. Scroll down the screen to view
more options.
51 Travel and maps