
Your contacts list
The People app lists all contacts from online accounts you're logged in to.
1. Open the People app.
2. On your contacts list, you can:
§ View your profile and edit your contact information.
§ Create, edit, find, or send contacts.
§ Tap a contact photo to find ways to quickly connect with the contact.
To sort your contacts by their first or last name, press , and then tap Settings >
Sort list by.
Filtering your contacts list
When your contacts list gets long, you can choose which contact accounts to show.
1. On the tab, press , and then tap Contacts to display.
2. Choose the accounts that contain the contacts you want to display.
If you want to filter by contact groups, tap Customize and then tap the contact
groups that you want shown.
Searching for contacts
1. Open the People app.
2. Tap , and then enter the first few letters of the contact name.
Setting up your personal contact information
Store your personal contact information (such as mobile and phone numbers, email
addresses, and more) to easily send it to other people.
1. On the People
tab, tap Set up my profile.
2. Enter your name and contact details.
3. To add more information (such as your personal website), tap Add another
4. Tap Done.
35 People