
Section 3C. Entertainment: TV, Music, and Video 169
Entertainment: TV, Music, and Video
Browsing for Videos
The Program Guide list lets you change the program channel so you can browse different types of videos
available on the YouTube server. By default, there is only one channel in the Program Guide.
To add a new program channel into the Program Guide list:
1. On the YouTube screen, tap .
2. On the
Search screen, enter the channel you want to add to the Program Guide list.
3. Tap
Search. YouTube searches for the channel and then displays the available videos from it.
4. Tap and then tap
OK on the confirmation screen. The channel you just subscribed to will now
be shown when you tap
Program Guide.
To change the program channel:
1. On the
Videos screen, tap Program Guide at the top of the screen.
2. On the Program Guide list, select a channel.
3. The video list refreshes to display the available videos for the newly selected channel.
Program Guide. Tap to open the Program Guide list. The Program Guide list only appears if you are
subscribed to a channel.
Channel. Displays the current program channel being viewed.
Settings. Tap to set video playback quality.
Exit. Tap to close YouTube.
Left and Right Arrows. Tap the arrows to filter the list by Most Viewed, Top Rated, and Featured.
Video List. Displays the available videos for the selected program channel. Tap a video to watch it.
Tap to view details about the video.
Tabs . Tap these tabs to switch between the different YouTube screens: Videos, Bookmarks, and Search.
You can also add a YouTube user as a program channel. To add, tap in any of the YouTube screens and then
tap .