122 Section 3A. Sprint Service Features: The Basics
Using Expert Mode
Using the Expert Mode setting for your personal voicemail box helps you navigate through the voicemail
system more quickly by shortening the voice prompts you hear at each level.
1. Tap and hold to access your voicemail. (If your voicemail box contains any new messages, tap
to access the main voicemail menu.)
2. Tap to change your Personal Options, following the system prompts.
3. Tap for Expert Mode.
4. Tap to turn Expert Mode on or off.
Voicemail-to-Voicemail Message Forwarding
Forward a voice message, except those marked “Private,” to other Sprint Voicemail users.
1. After listening to a voice message, tap on the Phone keypad.
2. Follow the voice prompts to enter the phone number.
3. Follow the voice prompts to record your introduction and forward the voice message.
Extended Absence Greeting
When your device is turned off or you are off the Sprint National Network for an extended period, your device
can play this greeting instead of your normal personal greeting.
1. From the main voicemail menu, tap on the Phone keypad for Personal Options.
2. Tap for Greetings.
3. Tap to record an Extended Absence Greeting.
Voicemail Menu Key
Following the prompts on the voicemail system, you can use the keypad on the Phone screen to navigate
through the voicemail menu. The following list outlines the voicemail menu structure.
Date and Time Information
Send a Reply Message
Advance a Few Seconds
Rewind a Few Seconds
Forward Message
Return This Call
Skip to the Next Message