4 - 4
Suffix Selections
Transmit Alternate Extended ASCII Characters
You may need to emulate special keyboard functions, such as up or down
arrows, Alt/Make or Alt/Break commands, that are not supported in the
Extended ASCII Character table. Refer to Alternate Extended ASCII
Characters (page 4-5) for a range of keyboard function keys and corresponding
decimal and hex characters. If you scan the Transmit Alternate Extended
ASCII code, any hex entries in a prefix or suffix will result in the corresponding
Keyboard Function output.
Example: Transmit Alternate Extended ASCII is enabled, and you scan Add
Suffix, then scan 9 9 8 9. All symbologies (99) would have a suffix
of a Page Down (hex 89) added to them.
When Transmit Normal Extended ASCII is selected, the normal extended
ASCII character is transmitted (see ASCII Conversion Chart on page A-3).
Example: Transmit Normal Extended ASCII is enabled, and you scan Add
Suffix, then scan 9 9 8 9. All symbologies (99) would have a suffix
of a
‰ character added to them.
Default = Transmit Alternate Extended ASCII.
Add Suffix
Clear One Suffix
Clear All Suffixes
* Transmit Alternate Extended
Transmit Normal Extended