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When CodeGate is On, the external trigger is used to allow decoded data
to be transmitted to the host system. The engine remains on, scanning
and decoding bar codes, but the bar code data is not transmitted until the
external trigger is pressed. When CodeGate is Off, bar code data is trans-
mitted when it is decoded.
Default = CodeGate On.
Object Detection Mode
Object Detection Mode uses an LED to detect when an object is in the
engine’s field of view. When an object is detected, the laser turns on and
the engine attempts to scan the bar code.
Default = Object Detection
Mode Off.
End Object Detection After Good Read
After a bar code is successfully detected and read from the engine, the
laser can be programmed either to remain on and scanning, or to turn off.
When End Object Detection After Good Read is enabled, the laser turns
* CodeGate On
CodeGate Off
Object Detection Mode On
* Object Detection Mode Off