Refresh button, SNTP server, 58
regular expression, 145
resetting password, 164
resolution: gauge, 79, 81; preview for recording, 75;
preview recorded video, 74; selection tips, 75
resolution best, 79
restricted names, user account, 156
retrieval: slow rewind, 70
rogue session: ending. on network, 197
rubber band control, PTZ, 90
rule: event recording, 113
rules: customer-device, 143; data-recording, 144
running, for camera sabotage detection, 122
rush-hour, 148
sabotage. See camera sabotage detection
scheduling: camera, 108; customizing for a camera,
107; groups of cameras, 107; optional, 105, 109
screen area, monitor, 82
secure site, 169
security: additional, 162; Administrator password,
177; alarm log (table), 230; alarm notification, 195;
alarm use, 189; basic, 177; before adding users,
152; central database. See security, Multi db;
denying access, 131, 196; event. See event; event,
by type (table), 119, 189, 190; events, by type
(table), 119, 189, 190, 191; limit use of Admin, 163;
low, 162; Maintenance and, 53; maintenance tab,
131, 220; maximum, 162; Multi central database,
162; Multi db, protecting, 165, 245; Multi SA and,
152, 161; optional, 49, 161, 163, 165, 166, 178,
191, 195, 201; password features, 164; password,
point-of access, 163, 195, 201; presence or
identification, 75, 77; priorities (table), 162; PTZ
dome and, 87; RAS server, 162, 196; rights, 178;
rogue user, 131; setting an alarm, 187; site tour,
221; suggestions, 161; system files, 132; system
status (table), 28, 169; tracing events, 191; Update
security, 131, 220; user password, 176; your
organization’s, 161
security officer, 161, 163; account rights, 185; Multi-
Media unit system log, 132
security risk: breach of trust, 185; camera brightness,
185; camera recording set to OFF, 185, 186; camera
spot check, recorded video, 84; camera, spot check
live, 84; checklist, 184; Clear Storage button, 131,
180, 186; countermeasure, 185; darkness, 84; dew
and frost, 84; direct sunlight, 84, 184; environmental
interference, video, 84; jeopardizing performance,
184; kitchen grease, 84; lit room, at night, 84, 184;
maintenance session, 197; many Multi databases,
185, 186; obstructing a camera, 84, 184; preventive
measures, 184; system password, 197; time/date,
185; to alarms, 186; UPS/power outage, 84, 184;
vandalism, 84, 184, 185
security,risk. See security risk
self, used as account name. See user account,
restricted names
SensorMatic dome, 88
serial communications: customer-device, 143
serial device: new, 86; PTZ, 86
serial devices: maintenance tab, 138; PTZ, 140
serial number, Multi-Media unit, 42, 55
setting: database to recognize a used unit’s (other)
system password, 175, 176; password, 164
site, 24
site (Rapid Eye): delete, 27, 28; denying access, 179;
follow-up, 25; key personnel, 24; limit access,
using user account, 182; naming, 24; not
protected, 169; prioritizing an alarm station, 50;
protected, 169; road map, 23; that an alarm station
not be used, 51, 220; to name…, 27
site tour: changing duration of, 224; changing site
order, in a tour, 223; configuration, 221;
preparations, 221; security, and, 221; selecting
connections for, 225; two or more units needed,
221, 224, 225
Smart Switch, B&B. See PIT
SNTP Server. See clock
socket, Multi. See firewall, ports
sockets, Multi and firewall, 137
software version: unit, 55
sound card, 147
soundscape, 148
spot check: video, 84
spot checking: audio, 148