Configuring Other Hardware
LAN/WAN Communications
Communications settings for local- or wide-area networks (LAN/WAN) are set in the field, when the
Multi-Media unit is installed. The System tab offers a convenient report of these network settings,
which are seldom changed.
Caution: communications to a unit can be temporarily disabled by setting it to invalid
network data. A technician has to return to the unit to re-enable it.
Your organization’s network administrator may request changes to a unit’s communication
settings when:
• Change made to the network that harbors the unit.
• Moving a unit. To other network or owner; see
Clearing Storage, p. 129 and Removing a
System Password, p.
When moving a unit to another network or network address, you have the option of changing the
Multi-Media unit’s addresses in the boxes for: IP Address, Subnet Mask and Gateway, before the
unit is turned off. This avoids having to use the configuration shell to make changes after the
move. These changes can also be made using LocalView.
Changing a Unit’s Network Settings
1. See your network administrator about the planned changes to the site.
2. Using View, continue or start a
Maintenance Session for the Rapid Eye site.
3. On the System tab, type changes in the IP Address, Subnet Mask or Gateway boxes, as
needed for the Multi-Media unit, and indicated by your network administrator. Default
addresses are listed in table
Caution: the next step can make the unit unavailable until the new network connection is
operational. If a mistake is made and there is a dial-up connection to the unit, you can still
access the unit by modem.
4. Click Apply; then confirm that you want to send the configuration data. The Maintenance
Session ends by itself.
Changing the Internet protocol address, in the IP Address box requires Admin to change
the site’s connection information, as explained in Types of Connection, on p. 29.
Table 8–1 Default Network Communications Settings
Box Value*
IP Address of Multi-Media unit
Subnet Mask
* These values are usually changed during the installation of units connected to a network. For
more information about networked Rapid Eye units, see the section on “Network Connections” in
your copy of the See the Unit Installation Instructions, K14390.