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The 5X10/5X80 Software Development Kit (5X00 Series) provides a set of libraries, tools, and sample source code to help soft-
ware developers create an interface between their host system and a Honeywell miniature image scan engine. The 5X00 Series
consists of:
• The API Definition and Documentation
• API Libraries
• Sample Code
Features of the 5X00 Series
• The 5X00 Series contains software libraries that interact with image/data capture engines using a documented API
(Application Programming Interface). The API functions are defined on a higher level so they can be easily understood and
integrated into your applications, so you don’t have to learn minute details of the engine interface protocol. You simply compile
your code with the library header files and link in the library for your platform. Afterward, all engine functionality is at your
• The image/data capture engine is easily integrated into a variety of host platforms.
• The 5X00 Series captures images and returns them as unformatted data, or as one of the standard file formats (BMP, TIFF,
and JPG). Captured images can then be saved to disk and easily imported into a variety of common tools and applications.
• A single API is used for all Honeywell decoding engines. The libraries for all engines are identical for a given host platform.
There are different libraries for each platform, but the API interface is the same for all of them, so you only need to learn a
single API.
• Libraries are available for the Microsoft
family of operating systems. This includes both the Windows
operating system, Windows
9x, and Windows NT
• Sample code is included that demonstrate how to use specific aspects of the 5X00 Series, as well as the buildable source
and executable code for a demo application.
• The communication driver library is separate from the main engine API library.
Target Operating Systems for the 5X00 Series
The 5X00 Series is designed for use with the following operating systems:
CE versions WinCE 4.2, WinCE 5.0, Windows
Pocket PC 2000, and Pocket PC 2002 supporting the following
Pocket PC 2000ARM, MIPS, SH3
PocketPC 2002ARM
PocketPC 2003ARMV4
CE.Net Standard SDK ARMV4, ARMV4I, ARMV4T, SH3, SH4, X86
9x, Windows NT
4.0, Windows
2000 and Windows