1 - 6
Pointer to a callback function (see hhpImgrSdk.h) called in response to the completion of an
asynchronous 5X00 Series function call or event. (See example on page 6-4.)
SDK Enumerated Types
Beep Options Enumeration (not an enumerated type) that can be used with an hhpSendActionCommand.
Enumerated type for specifying the form of compression (if any) to use when transferring an
image from the imager to the SDK. See Compression Mode Formats on page 3-4.
Enumerated type to specify that the configuration structure is being sent to the Read/Write
config item functions.
DECODE_METHOD Enumerated type of decode methods available to decode symbols.
DECODER_TYPE Enumeration of types of decoders and, by extension, what symbologies can be decoded.
EngineType_t Describes the connection, the imager, and the type of engine.
FileFormat_t Enumerated type for specifying the format of the data returned in the HHP_IMAGE structure.
Enumerated type whose items describe which imager command functionality (beeper, aimers,
lights) is to be acted upon.
HHP_AIMER_MODES Enumerated type to specify the aimer mode.
Enumerated type to specify whether the imager tries to auto adjust the image exposure and, if
so, how.
Enumerated type of the supported baud rates for serial devices.
Note: A special driver is required if a baud rate greater than 115200 is selected.
Enumerated type to select the imager beeper volume when sounding the beeper. This structure
is ignored for products that do not have a beeper.
Enumerated type used in hhpConnect to specify the connection type and connection port where
the imager is connected.
HHP_DATA_BITS Enumerated type for number of serial data bits.
Enumerated type to specify the behavior of the illumination and aimer LEDs during image
HHP_EVENT_TYPE Enumerated type that describes the type of asynchronous event being reported.
Enumerated type to select the image capture frame rate. Only valid when no auto exposure is
Enumerated type to select the image capture gain. This type is only valid when no auto
exposure is selected.
HHP_PARITY Enumerated type for serial parity.
HHP_SEQ_MODES Enumerated type to specify the sequence acquisition mode.
HHP_STOP_BITS Enumerated type for number of serial stop bits.
Enumerated type to specify the rate (in Mhz) at which all components other than the CPU are
to be clocked.
HHP_TRIG_MODES Enumerated type to specify the trigger mode.
OCRDirection_t Enumerated type for setting the text direction for OCR decoding.
OCRMode_t Enumerated type for setting the font for OCR symbology decoding.
On Off Enumeration (not an enumerated type) that can be used with hhpSendActionCommand.
Enumerates the function result codes returned by the SDK functions. See Error Codes on page
Enumerated type for specifying whether a read configuration item call should return the current
settings or the imager default setting.
Symbology ID enumeration
Enumerates all the available symbologies supported in the imager decoder. Non-data type
used in the symbology configuration functions.
Windows Data Types (Continued)