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Viewing alarms
A device configured with alarm settings is set when the value
of a point satisfies the alarm condition of that device.
Use the Alarms tab to view and acknowledge alarms that are
raised on various devices. You can filter alarms based on
occurrence, acknowledgment status, ack time, RTN time,
priority, and so on. You can setup alarms, define their limits,
and prioritize them. You can also acknowledge alarms and
delete acknowledged alarms.
Alarm priorities can be set for each type of alarm condition.
The alarm priority can range from 1 to 10 and is used to
determine E-Mail alarm message recipients. High priority
alarms have a higher reporting priority. For example, system
alarms (for example, low battery) are always high priority.
E-Mail alarm messages can be sent to a maximum of 50 E-
Mail addresses. Any E-Mail alarm message can be sent to
any combination of 50 E-Mail addresses based on the priority
When you add a device, all the default alarms present in that
device are added to WebVision. All the default alarms are
An alarm is raised when the value of a point on a device on
which an alarm condition is configured satisfies the alarm
condition. The View Alarms page displays a list of alarms
raised on devices along with information such as description
of the alarm, occurrence time of the alarm, the time when the
alarm was acknowledged, return to normal time, the priority of
the alarm, and so on.
To filter and view alarms:
1. Click the Alarms tab. The View Alarms page appears.
The following information appears in a tabular format:
Fig. 15. Alarms Tab.
NOTE: Select the check box in the header row to select all
the listed alarms.
• Alarm Name – List of all alarm names.
• Device Name – Lists all devices on which alarms are set.
To view the details of any device, click the respective
• Description – Indicates the condition that raised the
• Occurrence Time – Indicates the date and time when the
alarm was raised.
• Priority – Indicates the priority level of an alarm. There are
ten priority levels defined in WebVision - 1 through 10. 1 is
low and 10 is the highest priority level.
• Alarm State – Indicates alarm acknowledgement status.
• Acknowledged by – Indicates the user who acknowledged
the alarm.
• Acknowledge Time – Indicates the date and time when
the alarm was acknowledged.
• Return to Normal Time – Indicates the date and time
when the alarm returned to the normal condition.
TIP: Check the Enable Auto Refresh check box to enable
the auto refresh feature. The page is refreshed every 30
To acknowledge an alarm:
1. Click the Alarms tab. The View Alarms page appears.
Fig. 16. View Alarms page.
2. Select the check box corresponding to the alarm you
want to acknowledge.
3. Click Ack Alarm.
4. The alarm is acknowledged. The time and date when
the alarm is acknowledged appears in the Ack Time
column. The user name is displayed in the Ack By
TIP: Select the check box in the header row to select all the
alarms for acknowledgment simultaneously.