31 95-7769—01
LonSpec downloads metric values to the controller.
WebVision does not do any unit conversion of XL15C
configuration values when displaying in the user interface.
Therefore, what the user gets to see is what is present in the
controller. The following step eases the comparison process:
1. Before comparing XL15C configuration with LonSpec,
right click on the project and open Edit Project dialog as
shown in Fig. 43. Change the Engineering Units to
Metrics before proceeding further.
Fig. 43. Edit project.
This ensures that you see all the values in LonSpec in the
Metric system.
Due to a configuration error in RapidZone, sites built in
Rapidzone and migrated to LONSpec may have a
configuration error for every XL15C controller (W7760C). As a
result, device upload step in WebVision causes problems.
To fix the configuration error, use the following procedure:
1. Open the configuration of each XL15C and go to
Control Loops tab.
Fig. 44. LONSpec Configuration Screen.
2. Select Loop 6 (clDATLowLim) in control loops and click
Control Params. The Control Loop Parameters
dialog box appears.
Fig. 45. Control Loop Parameters dialog box.
3. Select an appropriate option for Analog Limit Select
and click OK.
4. Repeat the above steps for all the XL15Cs.
5. After changing the Analog Limit Select, re-commission
all the XL15Cs with LONSpec.