Table of Contenfs
fiT;pod'ant Information ................................. 2
For You_" Safety .......................................... 2
_mportant Safeguards .............................. 4
Before You Begin .......................................... 6
Read This First ......................................... B
Features ....................................................... 7
Getting Started
Components and Accessories ................ 9
!dentifying Controls ................................. t0
Loading Ciock Battery ............................ !3
Ciock Battery ............................................ 13
Using the nfrared Remote Cont_oi .............. i3
LCD Monitor. .............................................. 14
Opening the LCD Monitor ...................... !4
Adjusting the Brightness of the
LCD Screen ........................................... 1/}
Range in which the LCD Mon tot can be
T_oved !4
Active Screen 15
Adjusting the Electronic View finder ........ 15
Eyep ece Adjustment ................................. I6
Adjustment the Hand Strap ................... 16
Attach ng the Shotflder Strap ............... t6
Charging the Battery ................................... '!7
Bemovir_g the Battery Pack ......................... 18
Reference of Charged Levei ...................... 18
Cha_ging Time ....................................... t8
Operat ng lime ...................................... 18
Checking the Battery s Charge ................ 19
Camco_der Power Sources ..................... 20
Using Battery Pack ............................. 20
Using fire AC Adaptor .............................. 20
Using a Ca" Batte_'y ............................. 21
insert ng and Removing Casse tes .......... 22
nserd sg a Cassette ............................ 22
Remov nga Cassette ........................... 22
Protect ng Recorded Mater ai ................ 22
items Se!ectab!e with Ment D splays ........ 23
Mem_ seiectahle in the CAM mode ........ 23
Menu selectable in the VDEO mode ...... 23
/_ow to se}ect itenls and set !.hem ........... 23
Rerna ning [ape .................................. 24
Using d_e Linea" Tree Counter ................ 24
S Hitching On-Screen Disp ay On/Off ........ 24
De_ _onstration Mode ........................... 24
Reco_diag H_[_ Quality h°nage on Normal
Tape (for VM H765LiVVM H665LA} ....... 25
-[ape Analyzer ATRS (auto tape record ng
system) (for VM.H765LAiVM-H665LA)., 25
Sett rig the Date and Time .................. 26
Basic Teehn@_es
Making a Basc Recording .................. 28
Chang ng the Angle of the LCD Monitor
when Recording 29
Using !nstan_ Review .......................... 29
Using Auto Focus ................................. 30
Using the Power Zoom ........................... 31
Using the Digita Zoom ...................... 31
Using Macro ................................................ 31
Playback .................................................... 32
Using Sti!l ................................................. 33
Using Forward and Reverse Search ........ 33
Advanced TechnJq_,_ea
Date Recordir, g ......................................... 35
Usi_ag Manual Focus 36
Using x500 Digital Zoom ........................ 36
Dig tal Effects Functions ...................... 37
Digital Effects Recording ......................... 37
Activating Digital Effects Recording ....... 38
Video Effects in Playback Mode ................. 39
Activat ng Video Effects Playback ........... 39
Using Digita! Fade .................................... 40
Using the PROGRAM AE Button (for VM-
H765LA/%_M-H665LAiVM-E565LA) .......... 42
Using the Backlight Compensation .......... 43
Loc!dng the White Balance .......................... 43
Using the Electronic Image Stabi!izer
(for VM H765LA/VM-H665LA/
VM &:.565 LAiV M_E563 LA) ....................... 44
Using Quick Edit ....................................... 44
Date Search .............................................. 45
Using Memory .......................................... 45
Creating and Recording a Tide .................. 46
Seiecdng Stored Tide {Prememo) .......... 46
Creadng a ]tie .......................... 48
Recording Title on a Tape in the
Camcorder. .............................................. 49
Recording a Tide whi_e T_ansfening a
]ape ...................................................... 49
Piaying Back Your Recordir_g
on Your TV ............................................... 50
Connecting to Television (or VCR) wth
Audio/Video nput Jacks .................... 50
Playing Back Your Recording on lhe
Screen ........................................... 5t
Dubbing from the Camcorder to a VCR ..... 52
Using Audio/Video Dubbing ...................... 53
Multi Playback ........................................ 54
TBC (Time Base Cor_ector) ON or OFF .... 55
Attaching a W;de or Teie Com/e_ter Lens.. 55
Using the Bu Itqn DC Light
(for VM-H765LA/VM-E565LA .................. 56
Genera! &:@inte_ance
C eaning the Ca/-r:corder Heads ................ 57
(:iean ng the Le_s and Picture 1".be
of the Electron c Viev_f nder ............. 57
Pedodic Maintenance .......................... 58
Troubieshoot ng ........................................ 58
Specifications .......................................... 60
Ava table Accessories .............................. 62