Checking the Batte@-% Charge
A bc_foy c;h_rge .nd£:c_tor s 'o(.¢ed on the
upper r:ght come o;'/h_;- vfevu%'_der ot LCD n"onh
P)r, (},'!e oFs;* sy£q:->oS LYS;OL%/Svv>@"' /!De 8_otlsr y
Note: The bcJiie:yc<c:ge :>dod or does of
dpoear when }he oa ncowJe_ H ov,e ed th,
the AC odo0br,
7his _iashi:tg sy _ _] h_d-
ca_es a ba_c_}, r/eaNy o',,li: o{
p)>e/: [se ,.;ris]terqahve
poe c: 50HYe e7 t: /ai_:, hP
ba_tm-}' be_ol:e _:or_tiz tli l8 !)
de fJ_ecae_cgrdek
Knowing Remaining Battery Power Time
ff yo_ ;se tJe ?Y¢-BPLSO Jtf_/u,n uj_ bc,%,,y
(b:p/Yohc7 _)_o pov_d,i J4,w:_COR }COF_Y,-)h'/t _, C F ,f_i<2-
;,*_{} out few _r!.<,',; C(_,pCO c'¢'r ope'cd2-,@ iJzcf
,_?POdt_nSw;hh t}%pb ;;Or/,
"!%e V!,,,IoBPT30 ::;_east res tip }m tory co[ist_ }Rhe %
cSc_dates @e _'enmilm_.?, bat!e_y ti>e, _tr<J.dispiays
_ oni eL 5_ e t!_e cam<e "der Ro>-e ' cow,s{{ _p[ m
varies c<:oixl _g to hew _ruquentH/a_oi'ocusing o_
zeomtRg s t_s_:d J_ d sp]a},ed rkne may decrease
or _ncrease seve_-a] rnh_u{os a_ a _JT_e o_ nay '_et
c}tm];gu for sou_,e time,
Note: He emo{ ]gbaPeryt:n$.wllappeo_
101£, sec,,,nd; @fie e CA,MiOFF/VD_.O
sv,'ik:h is sei to CAM; ii wi! no qppear - 1he
VDEO potion
Note: We lhe ef Imedecmose!_io i
]r fes (:x oss 1he i[e dis )( y w} disq©peo,
%%ototem'nor d h_ voLi repece i_e b t1 ry
Note: fv<'d :or pect the VM_BPt.;4( bo tory v/h
th% <o:<<;it n< oo tey }mr': of 5 -'tint tgs <l es8,
1}re t_ e uil <o be dispoye'.l
_'1ole: f the coos! (e_'7_Qoy,c} iae does _<7>1
<_pp _o', uso 4p the batt('ry <trooPed io ;%e
ednoerder, end if'onft!!y c_ar(;eI
Note: f yo,; e_.ect cho_@r,g grid dsc} <_rg% _
t_e b,:fftoy bc,foo us%s _t ,), ib,-_ cor'ec
rem,'_r i-g t e 'oy for b::' d s<)!dye<
No{e: !f lie xllle y s US_:sd(:¢"!o,,v te_ pe<fft es
tPe <;:: _e', operatr _,]tr_e v,4b b<] tery >iil !:>e
s.:bsto-fo V d_:ffee, ! fro te dispmvec i)>e
Ond the <o*:eci }ine r,sy x:fi : £peor
Note: ff iie batter! ,,/kic_ has bee, <se<; G?
o1, f<[_p<xciure s subs,'aq, ef i_y used P,tNo
nho tear: perd_t:[<, Os©oy 0 "raFfle}l! _j e(}_ie[v
{m w{ }be noes c ie dspoy o,f (;eKect
:or: snk g fwse, fiy c%Grge bctey
Nee: The re/_ok rg beilery iine wi!l not
(_[i[)@(wren yOU rate[@eoF(_![!<j011 _ Q6_€) of
yot,[s,t.,lt or i%e LC© me }tot isxd back io C@"-
eKder w}_" _tssc:R.%'r, te i_e sde.
Note: If yo; c{<ct ,and <xe=d c,:_ssef'e after
the b :>gory is dscho;ge@, power wil s J! off
'T dvQy owlthe ccq',co,"da_WNtop, Whu
the haSP, v s 4is<:i q,ged, r:m:x_ jh_ },_e_ ow:
trerq ¢t'e : _l] Co,Qe_ o-._ C o_{;1_ii G_:] ],
Note: Who,: "_e VM 8PL3O ',:xs b'_y s used 1he
bc',lery chorge :/'dicoP)r }: " rTov )
!-note[ the emonng ooff@y -he ospcy (n
K *]TOS) iS d-'S O so, _-ffer b toe re< oi nfd
t_e dspoy wPe£ ',is {_d_e CO:',_ Colder
To display the co_ec_ remaining baffe_y
time on camco_cler
,41! s _bicct_\o_N:'_.ut 74)'.e<x_d.. Do_t _,_v
I},e <a_; coRi{ec dt t% t}}at _e_
{£ c!iap a3, _}es not dm 35e so >e i£_ , ep( r ,_ id
dose he _C[) x onil:or s_lie y_u ase as{n 8 }e
<:a ]sco;de_.
VM_H765LA/V[WH665£A!VBA._565LAIV_tESS3LAiV[',_q,.E485LA E19