Switching On-Screen Display OnlOff
t%9-1g-menH s_lectkm, you ce.n i:um oi:: the _amcorder status d_sp/a) ciuin 8 {'A<<>b4<k and turn il_or_ agMn
S(/tb, e CAM iOF] /VH)EO ss_i d't to %' _'On<,.).
_ Press @e MENU b_ntton. [
i r% el
!Jtl[{Oll It) elect "DIS- I _, o 0 0F:
PI,AY'. i
!h'ess @.c,RPW o_ YF bu- !<', _-÷',_
con f(> <Nect U_e desirx'd [..............................
LeD; tnfe/:lnatfor_ am [he tape !:en_aiN_h_8, tn3e
<ounte:t etc. is dfsp]a} ed oJt @e LLD :noniter.
co,a -Aer ("b{emer> Feature", p45). When LCD
I, NE fs spe_9ied_ yo:l can vie_ @e ]n_onnaden
h_the meuo 7 dspla)'ed on the 1(O mo::itor,
w[tkh _s]I be superbuposed on the playback
picture seen on the c( nnectcd 7V,
OFF: ]:nfolmaion on ape mma ing, ime
coun[e_s e[c. is not displa}ied<
Note: T_e bo_erv remair; n9 power eve w' be
dsp!cvod _hcx_ you ,dse o boffery p_nck Is Q
po,se_ supp ?,
Hole fhe oafs end recedin G s_at'_s (;"e ds
ployed o] he LCD montor,
LCD/UNE: %']is dispiayed _eside t}_e tim_: _ R'tss [he MENU bu£ton,
Setting Playback Mode ..............,
f_.s_ []:le rnn] scree _ _o set t _e p] _ba k nod_ fb u_' f w_ ,_
5e et..AM!ts{v,\.H),.Os>., c [o\']DEO. AUTO: [}he kip folcs wi I}> (>sorrulkxJ}.i
[.......... --[711................
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@ YFL_7 fCi
]'c> the P[ AY or STOP ,_o, 7":
bttion to r>e{eet ]q
Pl <)I)<<', i
i > i[1
, { l, :tL ,V OY <'_ r_t[- i
tc _ o A<ct lisa d_>tdred
delecte@ d_@n@ )lqyb<_c:k,
Hi8/8; WITs some Hi8/8 {ecorced 1apes, H8/8 _vsy
_ot be aulo_ o{ ccy defected: n this osse, seecl
t,Pe sofia] H8/8.
Rrss the "]:E:\t butR)_.
Note: SpecFy 'P_ M<DD_ AUKY to p@/ bask
D91ol 8 _eeor<Jed apes f PB MODE H8/8 ;_
spec qed wih tisese kspes, nose wi!i <xppeor o_d
pqyed beck pie are canna1 oe yawed
Seffing Playback Audio Mode
)lmng i]i8i8 N_0,bxk ),ou c_ t se }enenu <re<it I<s_ic{ c/igi_a/aud;o outp/,lt fix,lrnthe DV termh a]
_ 9e(/:h_ C}?kM iC)[} ::,' V_.JDEC)s>.ild_ to V![){{O_
{:esthe/v@M{. utton.
{ [./%'!" cr 97_P r
tut<m o,s! <t',qI.DH) c,,>+> o
vlODS. ',
ij[ i%ess the R]%, <3:1:'1;b_,atton to sdec/he des{re d
'16 _7: FOr p©'_bl'ok of <<" _:_' ecr!(_ e :l.ie i /
12 Bh S_ieel Ibis o7 on o )l(y }_ck edit,, s%"
stele( S)t!I I/i
( S h.. S'! _ t )d
Note AU[O is (sufoyqtic<3!i_ Hit /sen <lJq } 8
; ,_ <: ,. } d Q p_ t:., ] ,t
Converting Analog Signal to Digital Signal(fat VM-D975LA)
M £ t tl:ol< {=
......, {
' bit{i() _ [e _1"1;{ '+f [:t[ > tI1[5_14@171_i
1311 J >1 D
> * r>371, i <- t n
[ \ r " bgtil qt * s R<. b!e .tilrt[('.
OFF: [he digi;<]i video will be at 1:<;i ir <3cog
',Ai] ]s c:;r=eocde
Ok _a stoles video will be t_u dgi?]
w¢- tPb Coc 30 Je
5 bess @e M:5]. b ol
VM40975LAIVt@@875LAIVM-O873LA 849