Remaining Tape
0_C£ USP§_ S@',1£#) C+ODtH:_S,.................%Sf_" _ :_ ¢ +_-,7_'/C_/,.
Cot} ¢_C'D O'OP 7f_eIoode_J fc_f.)>e.
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r(.qoyci I_ O < )avbacK; It) .... )%% (;.t L,i, }_e
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sere q cted, tle c]_Sp]t% _i]l disaRRe,w
" 7_ .............. ' i_ d{!_7_laycd 7:)17I0 D(tO ],J5 8{U'"
4v.' t;d-_eStftlts to Sttlt,
Nolo: T e tqee remoh in9 di'spksy <,6pe:]r_ i0
sec)_ d_ cfir the to]Do sla_%to
No_e: Who i _ re3¢ nrC GCe r_beo.ornes
less il;en @bout h"e mnures, "TAPE Et'_D"
fQShOS _" _'c%we<'/f,_de 00P t;e O*)_TOf Or,
F "
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Using the Linear Time Counter
ot_ _;./ 1/iUOS, OWl SeCOOr_/5,heif;/r)g yet ?0£(w,>i'-)
VF2C_O{ hO4, IOq_./yOU'if L_@Of i%:}hi_ 0 Y;;}O y,)ti
s%ov,?1o£_1o £%h L)eLos<'-,/ Jn_w_7 o./_' of cpe.
Hot<}: }fyo or gq{]e fQt _:_rwo_di _g or _ewtP,d-
ng wt LP recorde:l !epes< or taps rec:o ded
h i_o SP a'd i P mo_es mixed ?oc@!her, the
cot_v_Ser7/}odi hg _Qy be into ect
T_rn the ca ncordec on to dis--
{lay _]]e i] _ear t >e {eu ate}+
Fh( iwer 1, eu_erkeups
rr;ck !')y v,-b, n yo_ bad a
cassette i I.'. tJ_e earnc-_:dez
and dears to "0; }0; 5(" _.'It>>
the c<_s_e te 7,7cj_ctcc{,
;'iinute i
7:2:_:18 '
............... d
Switching On:Screen Display OntOff, ,._,_r.,..,_,_._-..,_<_,,._,.,,.
a.,.._:lbs aFtelwa ' {_
_. Set tte (A%'1 'O}F/VIDEO switd_ to CAM
hess heN'.FNL 7_tt_i_ _ ......... 177- .................
} is OFF
f %11 iA UIC
3 ><'+.... s_.,<>_o:sl'o_-_i .....,,,,-,,,0_>,;,,<,, ]
b _tio-_ tn select "DIS- , o_ +,
PLAY", i _0 <.0 i
; ..... l) :,"M - I2 t I<! f [ +lid _7 I
4 s, ]-,,,,>,,t,,{ ,,,,-
tonte elect thedesJr_d (............................. fi
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LCD; Itfossado_o_th bqy_ ' m_vb h%, lime
_ (}U]itf!I, el£ i c, J]S{)I _yed eyl ['t_ kt];J]) rue-rite _<
LCD/LIN[: M is :ili_ph_ _d b,<;M_ [:B_ lhv
ouster ("Me _nory Fuatul:e", p44) Whet [CD
L!DE J! specffied yot :a_ v{ew the in{ermado _
i> tb." memory dJsph)'e ] on the L(D monitoO
',vt c]_ ,vii be supe'imposed on the pla}b_ck
pc._vesee_on theco_mecedTV
OFF: _nh)rrnatkm o_ h_pe rema,'_ir%, t _e
cot/nter, etc, is >_i displayed.
Note; TPe btt-ery F_r>o n og power eve wll be
disf.h;w_S when you Js<_,a b@RePi pQck <_S"t
[:owe supply
f'4ole; _e dG;e c<,ndrocc di>g stols oe ds
pks,/ed on e LOS menor
Pes <,w M l_;N[. but _1,
Demonstration Mode ........... _...................... .........
; 1_ C 1_: P,ie]!_/, V()tl cal S%if ]h {_1_"deslseNsl£ ItJozt trotR! ]'t/{ ]?, 5(! t £1}1_3C( d{ #,
Se :t _e ('AMiOF[UVIDEC) ;m td_ IoCAM,
2 [77-V<7..........."
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Fess !;he REW or {;F btlt- '
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O t [0 eC i," Cie'S/Fe¢l
AUTO; I.[ you ea_,e <l-_ec,u_ eorde_ fc_r 10
_eswit]_oet nsurtng4cft-,e e vh£q>odsqe
VM -D975LAtV_%D875 LA/VM-D873 LA
_a> bte_ set, or the dock b _ttery is deal tie
demonst+at :m m_de w{i adt_ _ it a]]y enga_6
STA_I; }"J-w de u<'ns at}o_' mode w_ s{so sta_'t
after }_ ?','iE",,_;[ute> s pressed a_d 5-[ART is
sp_,+ fled
OFF; {he demonstr!_t on mode is of[
[ _,'esstsie M[%]I bttt<r
Note; Fh_; derr'orsfrG o mode ,vii ;oqii,
tj_il p(:>w(w }s tlJfPied o o." }b :2 MF;{',R b.; • -P- s
Dressed _F_ci ¸'AUTO '¸¸er ..r-_:7 .....