0611 RM500SL User’s Guide Version 2.8 Page 59
14 Occlusion Effect Test
14.1 Occlussion effect measurement
FastFacts 14.1: Occlusion effect measurement
Refer to 10: Real-Ear Measurement Setup to prepare the system for use and
for proper positioning of the client and the probe tube.
2) Insert the earmold or custom hearing instrument into the ear, being careful not
to advance the probe tube further into the ear canal. A lubricant applied to the
earmold or custom instrument shell in the vicinity of the probe tube will make
insertion easier and prevent slit leaks around the tube.
3) Turn the hearing aid OFF.
4) Press <Tests>, then highlight and <PICK> [Occlusion].
5) Highlight and <PICK> [Start test] to start the test. [Start test] changes to [Stop
6) While the client vocalizes “ee” in a normal voice, highlight and <PICK> [Stop
test] to stop the test and freeze the screen. A red occlusion bar indicates an
occlusion problem, a yellow bar indicates a possible problem and a green bar
indicates no problem.
7) Increase venting and repeat the test until a green bar is obtained.