0611 RM500SL User’s Guide Version 2.8 Page 34
7.9 Calibration of HIT reference microphone
FastFacts 7.9: Calibration of HIT reference microphone
Remove any coupler from the coupler microphone before calibration.
1) Position the HIT reference microphone opening concentric with the coupler
microphone opening and about 1 – 2 mm from as shown below.
2) Close and seal the test chamber by tightening the latch at the front of the lid.
3) Press <Tests>, then highlight and <PICK> [Calibrate] from the Hearing
Instruments Test column.
4) Highlight, then <PICK> [Daily] or [Weekly] to select the calibration interval.
5) Highlight and <PICK> [Calibrate]. See 7.8: HIT calibration facts
It is recommended that you print a copy of the initial calibration curve and compare
it with your daily or weekly curve. Any change in this curve indicates a drift in
either the coupler or the reference microphone which needs further investigation.
See 7.10: Calibration check for coupler microphone for an additional check.