50 Chapter 5 : Copy files and sync your personal data
Transfer data from an existing HP webOS
When setting up your device, you can choose to sign in to an existing HP
webOS Account that you may already be using with a webOS
smartphone (see What is an HP webOS Account?). If you decide to sign
in to an existing account, you can choose to do a one-time transfer of the
data stored in the existing HP webOS Account to your device.
NOTE If you use the same HP webOS Account with two devices, after the
one-time data transfer, info you enter into the HP webOS Account on one device
is not synchronized between the devices. You need to enter the info in both
Get data from an online account in the cloud
Table 1. Data transfer and synchronization solutions for HP webOS devices
My personal data is here I want to access data here Do this Learn how here
Online account (Google,
Yahoo!, Facebook, and so on)
My device and my online
Set up the online account on your device. See Manage online
Corporate Exchange account My device and Outlook/other
corporate email app on my
Set up an online account for Exchange on your device. See Manage online
Desktop organizer software—
and I want to keep using it
My device and my desktop
Set up a sync relationship between the device and your
desktop organizer using a third-party solution (if available).
See Sync your desktop
organizer and your device
Desktop organizer software and
I want to stop using it
My device and maybe
Export your personal data to files on your computer and
import the data from there to either a Yahoo! or Google
account. Then set up the online account on your device.
See Export data from a
desktop organizer on your
An existing HP webOS Account
that I am using on a webOS
My device and my webOS
When setting up your device, instead of creating a new HP
webOS Account, sign in to your existing one.
See Transfer data from an
existing HP webOS
Nowhere—I just want personal
data on my device
My device Create new contacts and new calendar events in your HP
webOS Account.
See Backup