200 B : Online accounts available for webOS devices
The frequency with which data is synced or transferred between the device and online accounts depends on the account you are using. For information about
account sync intervals, go to kb.hpwebos.com and search for article number 47817.
*The information contained in this table is subject to change with webOS updates.
**Sync: A two-way exchange and update of your data. What you add or change in one location is automatically added or changed in the other.
Transfer: A one-way update of your data. You can add or change data only in one location; the data is then copied to the other location.
***Only the data on your device is deleted. The data source is not affected. If you delete an account from your device using the Accounts app, all data from that
account is removed from all apps associated with the account.
****You can also edit and add data to an Exchange account from a desktop application, such as Outlook.
HP webOS
Contacts, Calendar,
Memos; see Backup for
full list of affected info
See Backup for details Yes No See Backup for details
LinkedIn Contacts Transfer (from web to
No Yes Only info in Contacts is
Photobucket Photos & Videos Transfer (from web to
No Yes Only info in Photos &
Videos is deleted
Skype Contacts, Messaging Contacts: Transfer (from
web to device)
Messaging: Sync
Contacts: No
Messaging: Yes
Contacts: Yes
Messaging: Yes
The account is removed
from all apps
Snapfish Photos & Videos Transfer (from web to
No Yes Only info in Photos &
Videos is deleted
Yahoo! Contacts, Calendar,
Messaging, Email
Contacts: Transfer (from
web to device)
Calendar: Sync
Contacts: No
Calendar: Yes
Yes Only info in that app is
deleted; info remains in
other apps
Table 1. Online accounts available for HP webOS devices*
Account Applications that display
data from this account
Relationship between
device and online
Can I edit and add data
to this account on my
Can I edit and add data
to this account on the
What happens when I
delete this account from
one app?***