About the DCS 645
Quick Guide for Using the Image LCD and Digital Buttons
The digital buttons take on different functions, depending on the current state of the Image LCD.
Turn on the Image LCD: Press the OK button
Select a highlighted menu option: Press the OK button
Enable Region of Interest box (Zoom mode): Press the OK button
Implement a zoom (Zoom mode): Press the OK button
Delete an image (Delete mode): Press the OK button
Toggle the Menu bar on/off: Press the Menu button
Turn off the Image LCD: Press the Cancel button
Dismiss a menu without implementing change: Press the Cancel button
Disable Region of Interest box (Zoom mode): Press the Cancel button
Tag or untag an image Press the Tag button
Navigate images in all Display modes (except Zoom
when Region of Interest box is enabled):
Press the left or right side of the Four-way switch
Navigate the Menu bar and display menus: Press the left or right side of the Four-way switch
Navigate a drop-down menu: Press the top or bottom of the Four-way switch
Change to a different Display mode: Press the top or bottom of the Four-way switch
Move the Region of Interest box (Zoom mode): Press any edge of the Four-way switch