Using the Included Software
Exposure and Tone Tools
Proper use of this tool is critical to image quality.
Neutral Reference—To ensure that there is no
color cast in a neutral area in an image, click
“Enable” then click a gray area of the image.
Profiles—Change Camera and Look profiles, if
Exposure—Evaluate the histogram for
distribution of tones:
✔ Adjust highlights and shadows by moving
the red lines on the histogram, by using the
two lower eyedroppers to click a spot in the
image, or by entering numeric values.
Highlights are adjusted at the right and
shadows are adjusted at the left.
✔ Make a global exposure shift by moving the
Exposure Compensation slider.
Color Adjustment Tools
These tools let you make minor adjustments to
images processed through profiles in the
Exposure and Tone tools.
Make minor adjustments using the RGB curves,
Color Balance, and Saturation features.