Computer system requirements
Digital les naturally end up on a computer for processing. Image-storage and
correction requires a certain minimum standard regarding computer capabilities.
Large images will require a high-performance computer with plenty of memory,
advanced graphics capabilities and a recent operating system. In most cases, the
computer should include a FireWire 800/400 connector, which will enable you to
load images directly from the camera. To load images stored on the removable
compact-ash card, you could instead use a compact-ash card reader, but FireWire
is recommended for maximum exibility.
Warnings and restrictions
■ If you want to power the H4D from a PC laptop (as opposed to a Macintosh
laptop), you must ensure that the FireWire port on the computer is capable of
supplying power. Please note the following:
• Most recent Macintosh computers are compatible, both desktops and
• MostrecentdesktopPCcomputersarecompatible.
• Most laptop PC computers are NOT compatible (but can be modied in
many cases).
■ Keep the H4D and computer equipment away from moisture wherever possible.
If your camera becomes wet, disconnect from power and allow it to dry before
attempting to operate again.
■ Alwaystakegreatcarewhenyouremovethesensorunitforcleaningasthe
■ Keep all cables connected to or from your camera and computer out of the way
where they will not be tripped over.
■ Ensure the ventilation openings remain uncovered on the sensor unit when it is
■ YournewHasselbladcameramayhavebeensuppliedinkitformorasseparate
items. There are a number of possible combinations depending on factors such
as oers, bundles etc. Please ensure that all the items noted on the accompany-
■ Contact your Hasselblad dealer or distributor immediately if anything is missing
or seems faulty in any way, quoting the serial numbers and purchase details
where appropriate.
■ Pleasekeeppurchasedetailsandthewarrantyinasafeplace.
■ Familiarise yourself with the various parts and components. Leave protective
covers on as much as possible and avoid touching glass surfaces and inserting
and are capable of withstanding fairly rough treatment but nevertheless are
precision instruments and will serve you longer if treated with respect from the
■ Finally,pleasecheckoccasionallyontheHasselbladwebsite for any updates
regarding user instructions, changes, news, or other information. If you have
no Internet access, please contact your Hasselblad dealer or distributor for the
latest information.