Sensor size 60.1 Mpixels (6708 x 8956 pixels)
Sensor dimensions 40.2 x 53.7 mm
Pixel size 6.0 μm
Image size RAW 3FR: 80 MB. RGB TIFF 8 bit: 180 MB
True Focus Yes
Shooting mode Single Shot
ISO speed range ISO 50, 100, 200, 400 and 800
Shutter Speed 32 sec. - 1/800
Color depth 16 bit
Color management Hasselblad Natural Color Solution
CF storage capacity 8 GB CF card holds 100 images on average
Capture rate 1.4 sec. per capture. 31 captures per min.
Color display 3 inch TFT type, 24 bit color, 460 320 pixels
Host connection type FireWire 800 (IEEE1394b)
This section presents an overview of the technical specications and the dierences between the
H4D models. It also highlights any particular information that applies to a particular model.
The various H4D models provide a solution for practically all medium-format requirements. All
models deliver the same list of advanced features such as True Focus, Ultra Focus etc, regardless of
sensor size.
Apart from sensor dierences, the H4D-50MS model has the addition of the multi-shot feature. The
various models are supplied with viewnders and viewnder screens in accordance with sensor
size requirements.
There are more technical specications towards the end of this manual regarding general camera
Top of the range model featuring a 60 megapixel sensor for
the absolute best in single shot medium-format photo-
Temporary restrictions − Fall / Autumn 2010
In line with Hasselblad's philosophy of constant develop-
ment and improvements, an extended ne tuning of the
H4D's rmware is taking place at present. This only aects
the functions listed below however.
• LiveVideofunctionalityisnotenabled
• Flash-syncmodeforviewcameraoperationisnotenabled
• The display resolution is 230, 400 pixels (equal to the
resolution of the H4D-50 camera)
Over the coming months these limitations will be
removed by rmware upgrades, performed locally using
the Phocus upgrade function. You are advised, therefore,
to check the Hasselblad website regularly for the latest in-
formation. We thank you for your understanding in this
Please ensure you are using version 2.5.1, or later, as earlier
versions do not support the H4D-60.
HCD lenses were formulated for use with the smaller size sensors
in the H-series, resulting in a reduced coverage for the larger sen-
sors used in the H4D-60. So, if you use HCD lenses, be aware of
the restrictions (vignetting and diminished quality at the edges).
See 'Lenses' for more information.