6. >[ndjgldg`e^ZXZ^hXjeeZYlVgeZY!eaVXZ
^i hd i]ZXdcXVkZ h^YZ ^h [VXZ Ydlc dc i]Z
7. HiVgii]Z_d^ciZg#
8. L^i] V ejh] WadX` ^c ZVX] ]VcY! egZhh i]Z
ldg`e^ZXZ V\V^chi i]Z iVWaZ VcY [ZcXZ l^i]
[^gb egZhhjgZ! VcY [ZZY i]Z ldg`e^ZXZ dkZg
Failure to use push blocks when surface
planing may result in cutterhead contact,
which will cause serious personal injury.
Always use push blocks to protect your
hands when surface planing on the jointer.
Note:If your leading hand (with push block)
gets within 4" of the cutterhead, lift it up and
over the cutterhead, and place the push
block on the portion of the workpiece that is
on the outfeed table. Now, focus your pres-
sure on the outfeed end of the workpiece
while feeding, and repeat the same action
with your trailing hand when it gets within 4"
of the cutterhead. To keep your hands safe,
DO NOT let them get closer than 4" from the
cutterhead when it is moving!
9. GZeZViStep 8jci^ai]ZZci^gZhjg[VXZ^h[aVi#