System Operation
312776F 63
Solvent Push Feature
The Solvent Push feature enables the user to save
some mixed material by pushing it out to the gun with
solvent. The quantity saved is 50% of the potlife volume
entered in Advanced Setup Screen 1 on page 35. If
there are 2 guns, the smaller potlife volume is used.
Solvent Push requires an accessory solvent meter (MS).
Order Graco Part No. 16D329 S3000 Solvent Meter Kit.
See manual 308778.
1. See F
IG. 69. Install the solvent meter (MS) on the
side of the fluid station, as explained in the ProMix
2KS Installation Manual.
2. To enable Solvent Push, select “Solvent” or “3rd
Valve,” as desired. See Option Screen 2, page 33.
NOTE: If you are using a 3rd purge valve instead of the
solvent purge valve to run the Solvent Push feature,
connect the solvent supply line from the solvent meter to
the inlet of the 3rd purge valve.
NOTE: The system must be in Mix to initiate Solvent
3. Press and hold the Mix key for 5 seconds
to turn on Solvent Push. The green Mix LED will
light and the Recipe LED will blink. The system will
close the Dose Valves (DVA, DVB) and open the
Solvent Purge Valve (SPV).
4. The system will dispense solvent to push the mixed
material out to the gun. The Booth Control display
alternately shows dashes and the percent remaining
(0-99%) of the 50% of the potlife volume.
NOTE: To manually interrupt Solvent Push, press the
Standby key. The Solvent Purge Valve (SPV) or
3rd purge valve will close. To re-enter Solvent Push,
press the Mix key.
5. When the total solvent dispensed exceeds 50% of
the potlife volume, the system will go into Standby
6. Perform a manual purge or recipe change to purge
the remaining mixed material. This will clear the sys-
tem out of Solvent Push, allowing you to resume
Mix mode.
NOTE: Once the system senses that solvent exceeds
50% of potlife volume, attempts to re-enter Solvent
Push will cause an Overdose A/B Alarm (E-5, E-6).
FIG. 69. Solvent Push Setup
DVB is closed
SPV is open
DVA is closed
DVA Component A Dose Valve
DVB Component B Dose Valve
MS Solvent Meter (required)
SPV Solvent Purge Valve
APV Air Purge Valve
SMC Solvent Meter Cable
SS Solvent Supply Line