Run Mode Screens
312776F 23
Totals Screen
This screen shows the job totals, fill totals, grand totals,
and job number. Use the tabs to reset job totals (Job
Complete), reset solvent totals (Rst Solvent), or go to
Level Control Screen, page 24.
The job totals generally refer to material dispensed
while in Mix mode. This is likely atomized and sprayed
material with the gun trigger “On”.
The fill totals generally refer to material dispensed while
in Mix-fill mode after a color change or a purge opera-
tion. This is likely not sprayed or atomized, and is dis-
pensed to a purge container.
Solvent Totals and the Rst Solvent tab only appear if
“Meter” is selected under Solvent Monitor in Configure
Screen 5 on page 31.
NOTE: Grand totals are not resettable.
Reset Total Screen
If job is reset, job number will increment by one for
Reset Solvent Screen
The screen will ask if you want to reset solvent total.
Select Yes or No.
IG. 11. Totals Screen
FIG. 12. Reset Total Screen
IG. 13. Reset Solvent Total Screen