
H A - 6 A B / H A - 6 A B E M a n u a l
The HR-2 Remote Stations may be used to
increase the number of headphones which can
be accommodated by an HA-6AB, and to place
a volume control within reach of each individual
needing it. They are compact boxes which eas-
ily attach with a thumbscrew to any microphone
stand. Each HR-2 has two stereo volume controls
and two headphone jacks. There are also two
XLR connectors, one male and one female. These
may be used to “daisy chain” HR-2 boxes together
with standard microphone cables. Begin the chain
nector on the rear of the HA-6AB. The HA-6AB
connects to the fi rst HR-2 box; another mic cable
connects the fi rst HR-2 box to the second HR-2
box; a third mic cable connects the second HR-2
to the third HR-2; and so on. If low impedance
headphones are used, up to twelve HR-2’s may
be in the chain. If medium or high impedance
headphones are used, 25 or more Remote Sta-
tions may be chained. If desired, the clip on an
HR-2 box may be hung on a belt if no microphone
stand is convenient.
One or two sets of studio speakers may be con-
nected to the HA-6AB. If two sets are needed,
the “B” pair must be connected to the XLR output
using a custom made cable. HR-2 Remote Sta-
tions cannot be used in this case.
Headphones are used in rehearsal sessions
not only to avoid disturbing neighbors with loud
sounds, but also to provide each musician an
easily controlled mix of all the other tracks. Us-
ing headphones guarantees that each will hear a
balanced mix regardless of where they are posi-
tioned relative to various instruments or speakers
(a luxury not always available in performance). As
in recording, a mixing board must be used, whose
output will drive the HA-6AB either in mono (use
Left Input only) or stereo (use both inputs).
The main consideration in locating the HA-6AB is
whether each musician will need easy access to
his or her own volume control. If the musicians are
spread around a large room, the use of a chain of
HR-2 Remote Stations may be more convenient
than having each pair of headphones plug directly
into the HA-6AB.
Language labs occasionally need to drive as
many as 50 headphone sets. If more than twenty
fi ve sets are required, they must be high-imped-
ance types. HR-2 Remote Stations provide a
convenient way to place a volume control at
each listening position (two listeners can share
each box).