are used, it is important that they clamp tightly to
the musicians’ heads so that a minimal amount
of sound leaks out.
The cue mix heard in the headphones is a com-
bination of the previously recorded tracks along
with the new sounds being added. It is generally
derived from a “Cue” or “Headphone” mixing buss
on the recording console, which is then routed to
the Left and Right Inputs on the HA-6AB’s rear
panel. If this mix is mono, connect it to the Left
Input. The HA-6AB will then automatically be in
mono mode, so that the mix can be heard with
both ears (and both speakers, if used).
In a small studio, if no more than six sets of head-
phones are needed, it may be most convenient to
locate the HA-6AB on the studio fl oor, and plug all
headphone sets directly into its front panel. You
may want to put a large, easily readable number
on each set so that each musician will be able to
locate his or her volume control, even if the cables
become tangled.
In a larger studio, you may fi nd it more practi-
cal to use several HR-2 Remote Stations at
strategic locations around the studio, while the
HA-6AB itself is installed in the control room. In
this arrangement, the Speaker buttons will be
more easily accessible to the engineer, and each
musician’s volume control will be right on the mic
stand in front of him or her. And of course, if the
engineer or others in the control room want to
hear the cue mix, they can just plug headphones
into any of the HA-6AB’s front panel jacks. See
the section on “Use of the HR-2 Remote Stations”
for additional details.
NOTE: For studios that require each tracking mu-
sician to have their own personalized mix, the Fur-
man HDS-6/HR-6 or the HDS-16/HRM-16 may be
required as an alternative to the HA6-AB.
The HR-2 Remote Stations connect in “a daisy
chain” fashion to the Speaker B output on the
rear panel of the HA-6AB. This output is an XLR
connector, so that standard microphone cables
can be used. The HA-6AB connects to the fi rst
HR-2 box; another mic cable connects the fi rst
HR-2 box to the second HR-2 box; a third mic
cable connects the second HR-2 to the third
HR-2; and so forth. However, twelve HR-2 is the
recommended maximum.