3 - 22 C156-E097-01EN
(2) Power supply cable
The drive must be star-chain-connected to the DC power supply unit (one-to-one connection) to
reduce the influence of load variations.
(3) DC ground
A DC ground cable may or may not be installed depending on the system requirements (system
installation environment, cabinet structure, and power supply system). This cable is generally
connected to the ground of the power supply unit. Connection between more than one optical
disk drive may be in a daisy chain.
3.4.3 External operator panel
Some set switch settings can be manipulated through the external operator panel interface.
Figure 3.19 shows a recommended circuit for the external operator panel. Since an external
operator panel is not provided as an option, the user must design one based on the system
requirements and the recommended circuit.
Provide switches and LEDs (required for the system) on the external
operator panel. See the recommended circuit shown in Figure 3.21.
A signal which is not set on the external operator panel connected to
CNH2 must be set using SW1. The SW1, and CNH1 corresponding to
the signal set on the external operator panel must be set to OFF
For details, see Subsection 4.3.1.
Figure 3.20 shows the external operator panel connector and Table 3.6 shows the specification of
the external operator panel connector interface.