C156-E097-01EN 7 - 11
No. Name Standard Timing specification
6 Bus Settle Delay 400 ns min. Minimum wait period between the time a particular
control signal condition changes and the time the
bus condition is stabilized.
7 Cable Skew
10 ns max. Maximum allowable difference in transmission time
over the interface cable between any two bus signals
from any two SCSI devices.
8 Data release
400 ns max. Maximum allowable period between the time an I/O
signal changes its status from false to true and the
time the INIT stops driving data bus signals.
9 Deskew Delay 45 ns min. Time for compensation for skew involved in bus
signal transmission.
10 Hold Time 45 ns min. In synchronous data transfer mode, the minimum
time during which the transfer data on the DATA
BUS from the leading edge of the REQ or ACK
signal pulse must be maintained to compensate for
the hold time in the SCSI device receiving data.
11 Negation Period 90 ns min. In synchronous data transfer mode, the minimum
time from the trailing edge of an REQ signal to the
leading edge of the next REQ signal,, or from the
trailing edge of an ACK signal to the leading edge of
the next ACK signal.
12 Power-On to
Selection Time
10 sec max. Maximum time from when the TARG is turned on to
the time the TARG can post the correct status and
sense data for the TEST UNIT READY, INQUIRY
or REQUEST SENSE command.
13 Reset to Selection
250 ms max. Maximum time from when the RESET condition
(hard RESET) is released to the time the TARG can
post the correct status and sense data for the TEST
14 Reset Hold Time 25µs min. The minimum time during which the RST signal
must be held true to create a RESET condition. A
maximum time is not defined.
15 Selection Abort
200µs max. In a SELECTION or RESELECTION phase,, the
maximum allowable period between the time the
SCSI device recognizes itself as selected and the
time it replies with a BSY signal.
16 Selection
Timeout Delay
250 ms min.
minimum time during which the INIT or TARG
waits for a BSY signal from the SCSI device to be
selected before it initiates timeout processing.