Mobipocket Web Companion
Mobipocket Web Companion
is a PC program that enables
you to download, update and synchronize electronic documents
to eBookMan. Electronic documents include text files, newspa-
pers, electronic books (eBooks), web pages (*.htm and *.html),
and Palm documents (*.pdb and *.prc files).
The Web Companion also provides access to Mobipocket’s
Web site and includes a publishing feature that formats web and
Palm documents for the
Mobipocket Reader
The Web Companion is installed on your PC with the Desktop
Access the Web Companion from the Desktop Manager by
clicking Web|Mobipocket Web Companion.
Uninstalling the Desktop Manager
To uninstall the Desktop Manager, follow these steps.
1. From your PC, click Start|Settings|Control Panel.
2. Double-click Add/Remove Programs.
The Add/Remove Programs Properties dialog box appears.
3. From the Install/Uninstall tab, click eBookMan Desktop
4. Click the Add/Remove. . . button.
5. Follow the instructions in the Install Wizard to remove the
If the files are stored in the Audible, Contents, or Library
folders, these folders will be left in the respective subdirecto-
ry. You must remove these manually.
User’s Guide
See also:
For details about
the Web
Companion, refer
to the online help
that comes with
the program. For
information on
how to use the
Web Companion,
see “Using the
Mobipocket Web
Companion” on
page 51.